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Machu Picchu Industrial QuarterMachu Picchu Ceremonial Centre and HousingMachu Picchu seen from the agricultural terracesMachu Picchu with Huayna Picchu ("young peak") shrouded in mistLlamas greeting Geraldine in the agricultural sector of Machu PicchuJohn and friend at Machu PicchuMachu Picchu with Huayna Picchu shrouded in mistMachu PicchuOverlooking Machu PicchuThe Caretaker's hut atop the agricultural sector at Machu PicchuOverlooking the Upper Complex of Buildings in the Urban Sector of Machu PicchuDrawbridge on the western side of Machu PicchuLlama at Machu PicchuLlama at Machu PicchuStonework at Machu PicchuTemple of the Sun, Machu PicchuAgricultural terraces at Machu PicchuAgricultural terraces at Machu PicchuAgricultural terraces topped by Caretaker's hut, Machu PicchuTemple of the Three Windows, Machu Picchu